Tybalds Estate - CIP

Tybalds Estate

The CIP Development team have been working with residents and the Tybalds Close Residents Association to deliver the Tybalds regeneration programme. 

The programme plans to provide 56 new homes. This includes:

  • 28 social rent or affordable homes
  • significant landscaping improvements
  • improved access to some existing blocks
  • a purpose-built community centre with two hall spaces 

Phase 1A of the programme has created ten new social rent homes on the lower ground floor of Blemundsbury (5), Falcon (3) and Richbell (2).

Six of these homes are wheelchair-living flats. Tenants moved in during May or June 2024. New access ramps with associated landscape improvements have also been created at Falcon and Blemundsbury.

Find out more about the Tybalds regeneration programme.

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