Parliament Hill & William Ellis - CIP
Parliament Hill & William Ellis
The Community Investment Programme has funded major improvement works for Parliament Hill and William Ellis Schools on Highgate Road.
In summer 2018, a purpose built sixth form centre for Parliament Hill and William Ellis students attending LaSWAP sixth form consortium reached completion. The new facilities have been designed to promote independent learning with a large open study space and university style seminar rooms.
In the autumn of 2018, a new extension to William Ellis School opened, including music rooms and drama studios, offering students new and creative learning opportunities. In parallel with the new facilities, classroom renovations were carried out throughout Parliament Hill, and a new library space created.
The final phase of works, delivering new sports and dining halls, as well as new classrooms and renovated science facilities to Parliament Hill School were completed in 2019, with landscaping and new outdoor sports pitches completed in 2020.